Presentation and discussion with the ERIC Forum community
Online, 17 January 2021. EGERIC (the Commission expert group to assess the implementation of the ERIC Regulation and identify best practices and potential recommendations) will present its Report and Recommendations to the ERIC Forum community on 17 January 2022.
The online session will aim to discuss and collect the ERIC Forum community’s feedback on the report, in preparation for the ERIC Forum Meeting on 26–27 January 2022, where the key conclusions will be presented.
More information about the event’s registration will be available soon.
About the mission of the EGERIC:
The expert group’s mission was to provide a report on the implementation of the ERIC Regulation, including independent advice and recommendations on specific issues highlighted by the Council. The group addressed the specific technical issues highlighted by the Council, which affect the implementation of the ERIC Regulation, notably concerning “an acceptable solution for the VAT exemption for in-kind contributions, to stimulate investments in ERICs and other ESFRI Roadmap Infrastructures, to increase transnational and open access to European Research Infrastructures and to enhance their financial sustainability”.