Online, 13 February 2023.
The Biodiversity Digital Twin‘s design, implementation, and maintenance present several issues, including the linkage and integration of various data types and related computing services. Consequently, FAIR principles are extremely important, especially during the modelling and prototyping process.
Over the last few months, the BioDT team has been discussing how to understand the FAIRness of the data sources. In particular, the team engaged in improving “Quality of Data, Workflows and Models through FAIR Principles” is tasked with delivering an implementation plan for FAIR Digital Objects over the FAIR data designs of the relevant Research Infrastructures. The team is working to find gaps in understanding FAIR implementation and how it connects to BioDT, even though FAIR principles and the technological elements supporting Digital Twins are not new.
To facilitate discussions around this topic, the BioDT consortium is organising a series of online webinars to stimulate conversations around FAIR with a focus on BioDT and the digital twinning paradigm. Experts and practitioners that deal with different aspects of FAIR implementation and digital twins are invited to join to stimulate discussions that help understand FAIR implementation in a more actionable way.
The second session is taking place on 13 February at 16:00 (CET) and provides an overview of FAIR tools applicable to digital twinning.
Do not hesitate to learn more about this fascinating topic by registering for free!
- 16:00 – 16:05: Welcome and introduction
- 16:05 – 16:35: An introduction to the FAIR Principles for Research Software
- 16:35 – 17:00: Q&A